Internet Research

a variety of
Internet research

Research for businesses

Do you have a great idea for a Web site that you think will attract hits and advertising dollars?

You’re not alone. The key is finding a niche that advertisers will appreciate. But how do you know if your idea is unique without spending hours researching similar sites on the Internet?

You don’t have to spend the time in front of the computer, because CobbMedia can do that for you.

We’ll conduct a market analysis of sites similar to the one you are proposing to determine if there is a market niche that your business can fill.

After our analysis is complete, we’ll prepare a report that you can include in your business plan.

Research for nonprofits

Patrons of nonprofits will turn to your site for information—schedules, research, speeches, annual reports, membership updates, newsletters, and press releases.

You also can provide them with a great service by linking to other informative sites. We will research the sites with which you can link and identify those appropriate for reciprocal links.

Research for publicity

The proliferation of Web sites on the Internet has increased the number of media outlooks looking for content such as press releases.

We will research the sites that would be interested in posting your information and e-mail your press releases to those sites.