Fact Sheet on:

MTA Transit Racism

Part II. Commuter Rail: Separate and Unequal

Within the MTA’s commuter rail system, operated by Metro-North and Long Island Railroad, there is a blatant difference between service in low-income communities of color and service in wealthier white communities. The condition of stations and lack of service in areas like the South Bronx and parts of Brooklyn prevents residents of these, and surrounding neighborhoods, access to the growing number of job opportunities in suburban counties.

Commuter Stations in Low-Income Communities of Color are Dilapidated

While stations in wealthy, white communities are well maintained, and feature lush greenery and other adornments, those in low-income communities of color are virtually abandoned.

Trains Rarely Stop in Low-Income Communities of Color

In order to be an effective commuter rail station there must be service during rush hours as well as non-traditional hours. Current service to low-income communities of color is pathetically poor.

MTA Funding Ignores Stations in Low-Income Communities of Color

Instead of putting money into stations that have long been ignored by the MTA they are investing money in stations that are already well off.

$39 million for the Yonkers Station (suburban)

$5 million for the Brewster North Station (suburban)

$4 million on average for each of 16 stations on the Hudson Line (suburban)

And Only

$2.1 million to be split by the Melrose and Tremont Stations (South Bronx)

Communities of Color get third class treatment by the MTA














Send a Message to the MTA


Fix dilapidated stations

Promote Reverse Commuting

We need to pressure the State Assembly, the Governor, the Senate, and the Mayor to veto the MTA’s Capital Plan in the name of environmental justice.


MTA…Not Going Our Way!

For more information contact the New York City Environmental Justice Alliance:

ph: (212) 239-8882, fx: (212) 239-2838, e-mail: nyceja@aol.com